Many options are available for people with baldness. The main thing to remember when looking for a cure for hair loss is to take your situation seriously and try as much as possible to find the treatment that works for you. Although many believe that hair loss is part of their natural genetic fate, for some it is just an unpleasant factor, while for others, hair loss is a cause of stress and depression.


Hair loss in men is often more socially acceptable than hair loss in women, but about 40% also suffer from some thinning or balding as they get older. Although male pattern baldness is caused by many factors, including genetics, lifestyle, and hormones, there are a number of treatment options for male hair loss that you might want to consider.


One of the most common causes of hair loss in men is the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT). This hormone attaches to the hair follicles, causing them to contract, making them smaller, and ultimately rendering them inactive. It is a complex hormone, and because it is produced in excess by the body, it can attach to normal hair and damage it, causing hair loss. Although it has been found that significant damage to hair follicles can take years, sometimes it can be healed in a shorter time frame with a topical solution such as minoxidil or rogaine.


Hair can also become thinner as people age. This is because as we get older, our bodies stop producing so much DHT, leaving a few fine hairs on our scalp instead of thick and healthy ones. As with men, there are many treatment options for hair loss in women, and if the problem is found early enough, it can be successfully treated.


Another leading cause of hair loss in women is the hormone estrogen


Estrogen is a female sex hormone, and as we get older ours hair follicles produce less of the enzyme nitric oxide, which helps support hair growth. It has been found that some women start losing hair at the same age as men.


For some women it is impossible to tell if they have female pattern baldness until they have already started to notice a thinning of their hair. The reason for this is because women tend to suffer hair loss in the same areas on their head. as men and it can also spread and lead to bald patches. Although women can use the same methods of treatment as men, they need to start a treatment early on in order to see the full effects of their hair loss and stop it from progressing.


For women it is important to avoid taking certain drugs such as birth control pills. These tend to prevent the hair from growing. The same is true for the birth control pill, which can prevent the hair from growing back. Although a treatment such as a topical solution can help to slow down the process but it is essential to try different methods to see if one will help.


Hair loss in men can often be difficult to treat but it does not need to be. Many people take a mixture of topical products that will help to stop the build up of toxins and block DHT from attaching itself to the hair follicle making it impossible for it to reproduce. These products are available both over the counter and through prescription but it is best to first try a trial period before opting for a treatment that works for you.