Thursday 29 September 2011
Welcome by Professor Philip Murphy (ICwS)
Session One: The View from the Field – examples from Africa
Chairman: Professor Paul Collier, CBE
Mr John Smith, CBE: Development in Nigeria
Mr Peter McLean, CMG, OBE: Economic and Commercial Development in Uganda Mr Charles Cullimore, CMG: Development in Tanganyika
Session Two: Issues and Policies before and after Independence
Chairman: Sir Peter Marshall, KCMG, CVO
Mr Gordon Bridger: Economic Policies and British Administration pre- and post-independence
Mr Stuart Harbinson, OBE: The Pacific, Hong Kong and International Trade
Mrs Hilary Sunman: The Story of Agriculture in Kenya
Session Three: Issues and Policies before and after Independence (continued)
Chairman: Sir Peter Marshall, KCMG, CVO
Professor Jonathan Kydd: The CDC – reflections from a Board Member
Dr Patrick Spread: The Economic Missions
Mr Derek Smith: Developments of UK Aid Policies and Administration
Dr Nick White: Development in Malaysia
Session Four: Round–up and Conclusions
Chairman: Professor Philip Murphy
Mr Alistair Boyd, CMG: Former Deputy Chief Executive, CDC
Mr Barrie Ireton, CB: Development Economist, Zambia, The Gambia, ODA/DFID

The seminar programme ended with a reception hosted by the Institute of Commonwealth Studies. Shown here are the Director, Professor Philip Murphy, and the OSPA Secretary, David Le Breton.
Subjects for discussion included:
• To what extent was there a coherent British approach to the issue of development in the period preceding independence?
• How effective were the administrative structures devised to encourage development?
• What preparation was given to the establishment of small locally owned businesses?
• What was the attitude of newly-independent governments to the colonial legacy in the area of
• What parallels are there between contemporary British policies towards aid and trade and those pursued in the late colonial period?
A written transcript of the proceedings of this seminar was produced by OSPA. It has been published by the Institute of Commonwealth Studies as Number Five in the series of the OSPA Research Project’s Occasional Papers. Price: £5.00; plus postage £2.50 UK, £5.00 overseas.
The published transcript is available from:
Olga Jimenez, School of Advanced Study, University of London,
Senate House (Room 265), Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU.
tel: (0)20 7862 8871 email: [email protected]
The proceedings of this second seminar are available on the ICwS website as an audio podcast. To view, go to: and follow the links