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Thursday 29 March 2012

11.30 – 11.35
Welcome by Professor Philip Murphy (ICwS)

11.35 – 1.00          
Session One:  Nigeria, Bechuanaland/Botswana, and Aden Protectorate - Three Contrasts
Chairman: Professor Philip Murphy
Mr John Smith, CBE: Nigeria
Mr Simon Gillett: Bechuanaland/Botswana
Mr Godfrey Meynell, MBE: Aden Protectorate
2.00 – 3.30
Session Two:  East and Central Africa
Chairman:  Professor David Killingray
Mr Andrew Stuart, CMG, CPM: Uganda
Mr David Salmon: Northern Rhodesia
Mr Don Barton: Tanganyika
4.00 – 5.30
Session Three:  Round Table Discussion
Chairman: Professor Philip Murphy
Professor David Killingray (ICwS)            
Professor Simon C Smith (University of Hull)
Dr Karl Hack (Open University)

Subjects for discussion included:
• In what ways was Indirect Rule in African kingdoms different from the rule in Princely states in India and Malaya? 
• Would there have been Indirect Rule in British Africa without Lugard? 
• Why did Indirect Rule become so favoured a policy? 
• How far did financial considerations determine the policy of Indirect Rule? 
• Were the numbers of expatriate staff significantly smaller where Indirect Rule prevailed? 
• How did Indirect Rule affect the role of the District Officer? 
• Did Indirect Rule in any way affect the work of the professional services, education, health, natural resources, public works, police and security? 
• Did Indirect Rule assist or hamper the development of local or national democratic and representative government? 

A written transcript of the proceedings of this seminar was produced by OSPA.  It has been published by the Institute of Commonwealth Studies as Number Six in the series of the OSPA Research Project’s Occasional Papers.  Price: £5.00; plus postage £2.50 UK; £5.00 overseas.

The published transcript is available from:
Olga Jimenez, School of Advanced Study, University of London, 
Senate House (Room 265), Malet Street, London  WC1E 7HU.
tel: (0)20 7862 8871   email: [email protected]

The proceedings of this third seminar are available on the ICwS website.  To view, go to and follow the links.